The official synopsis reads:
Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank (George Clooney),
jaded by disillusionment, and Casey (Britt Robertson), a bright, optimistic
teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to
unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known
only as “Tomorrowland.” What they must do there changes the world—and them—forever.
There was also a Question & Answer session earlier today with Brad Bird and Producer Damon Lindelof on the
Walt Disney Studios Facebook Page. You can read some of the Q&A's below.
Question: The word "Tomorrowland" always reminds
me of the older generation of science fiction, and the technology of the
1950's. How inspired were you by old science fiction ideas about where humanity
would be in the future?
Brad Bird: I was not inspired by old science fiction as much
as I was inspired by how the future used to be seen in contrast to how it's
seen today.
Damon Lindelof: You're SMART, Brad Bird!!!
Q: What made you consider and select Hugh Laurie as David
DL: Hugh was, quite literally, the only actor we considered
for the part. We needed someone who could: A. Be very, very smart. B. Be very,
very funny. C. Go toe to toe with George as to who is the greatest former TV
Q: Because movies
seem to take up a lot of your time, do you bring family along with you as work
and travel?
BB: My wife goes with me when we shoot. My boys visit
whenever they can. On Tomorrowland, our youngest son worked as a PA on the
film. So he was there every day during our shoot. Family is key.
DL: I want to be a member of Brad Bird's family.
Q: Do you think the movie as a one time thing or more like a
series? Kind of like Harry Potter and
BB: I try to see each movie as a standalone thing but the
world the movie inhabits as something much larger.
Q: Can you share with
us what was the moment while you worked on the story that you realized,
"Yes! Now I feel really good that this movie is working or what I hoped it
would be!" I'm curious if it was at the writing stage or while you were
working with concept art or doing research that that comfort level and
excitement hit you.
DL: That moment came (and went) MANY times over the last
four years. When Jeff Jensen and I first started talking about Disney history,
particularly Walt's involvement at the 64 World's Fair... that was the first
time I felt a tingle of, "Wow. We're tapping into something pretty cool
here." I felt it again when Brad started doing pre-viz for some of the
insane action sequences in the movie... and AGAIN on the scoring stage just
last week as the brilliant Michael Giacchino led a hundred piece orchestra
through the music for the movie.
Q: What was it like
to work with George Clooney?
DL: George Clooney is a MONSTER. A
handsome, brilliant, talented, highly fun and intensely collaborative monster.
Q: Brad, you've
successfully directed both animated and live-action films. What are some of the
differences and similarities in how you approach developing the story in each
BB: Capturing the
right tone. If each film is a creature, this film was a very finicky creature.
The line between too much information and not enough was razor thin.
Q: This movie has been so mysterious. How careful should
fans be when avoiding spoilers? Lost-level-careful or a slighter
BB: Keyword is “careful". Don’t let anyone unwrap
presents before Christmas.
Q: I saw your twitter posts about Richard Sherman and I
wanted to ask what it was like working with him? Was he there for support or to
actually contribute his work to the film?
BB: It was great to have Richard there. Both Michael
Giacchino and I are huge fans of his and you might even hear some Sherman
Brothers work the movie.
Q: In relation to the film, how do you bring a fresh
perspective into your directing? And how do you bring a fresh perspective into
your writing?
BB: I think you do it
by getting outside of your head and taking in other influences whether they’re
other movies, books, life, paintings. You just try to take new things and the
work changes.
Q: Could you please explain the poster a bit? What are they
doing in the wheat field? WITHOUT SPOILERS of course.
DL: George is looking at a massive thresher just off to the
left of the poster, excited at the prospect of the bundling, milling and baking
to come. The little kid on the left is distracted by that shiny, beautiful,
inspiring City of The Future in the distance. (you said no spoilers)
Q: If you could make one invention a reality today, what
would that be?
DL: I gotta go with
teleportation. Traffic in L.A. was ruthless this morning.
Q: I'm a fan of George's. Why did you choose him as the lead
in the first place? Since normally he won't do many Sci-fi films. What does
George Clooney have in common with Frank Walker?
BB: George was our
first choice. Luckily he accepted. Integrity is a key part of his persona. The
fact that he hasn’t done a lot films like this speaks to that. He only gets
involved with things he believes in. That’s also true of Frank Walker the
character George plays in Tomorrowland. He’s a great actor and he’s funny.
Q: Will we see any
Disney characters in the movie?
DL: If you look
REALLY carefully, you'll see The White Rabbit from ALICE IN WONDERLAND and THE
Q: Does the
Tomorrowland in the movie reflect some of your thoughts on what our real world
of tomorrow will (or should) look like?
BB: Yes it does but hopefully in a light-footed way.
Q: What Disney Parks
attractions influenced/inspired you when creating this movie?
DL: Brad turned me on
to some of the classic Tomorrowland attractions like "Carousel of
Progress." The way the future was viewed from the PAST was really
intriguing to us.
Q: What was it about Britt Robertson that led to choosing
her as your lead and how would you describe her character?
DL: A zillion talented young actors auditioned for Casey,
but Britt was the one who most embodied what we were looking for -- a
hopefulness and optimism that felt fresh without being corny. Casey is a
dreamer... and explorer... a young woman who refuses to accept the status quo.
We felt Britt embodied all of the above.
Q: Brad, What convinced you that this was the right script
to be your next movie?
BB: Damon was doing
some uncredited writing work on the end of the last movie, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol. We started talking about what the other was doing next and it
completely sucked me in.
Q: Was an objective of the movie, besides entertaining, to
inspire optimism in people about the future?
BB: I would refrain
from making the movie unlike eating your vegetables. I would say it is a
counter argument against the current obsessions with dystopia but I would
probably rather say it’s just a good time at the movies.
Brad Bird and Damon Lindelof |
Hugh Laurie is also in the film as a genius scientist, as well as David
Nix, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Judy Greer, Kathryn Hahn, Keegan-Michael Key
and Thomas Robinson. Disney's
Tomorrowland arrives to theaters on May 22, 2015!