Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The New 'The Good Dinosaur' Trailer Highlights it's Beautiful Visuals

Learn how "A single kindness can change everything." in the new trailer for the upcoming feature film, The Good Dinosaur.

Pixar showcases once again how photo-real gorgeous their computer generated worlds can be while having a whimsical contrast with the caricatured characters that inhabit the movie. The mostly dialogue-free trailer with music by Of Monsters and Men presents the main Apatosaurus dino, Arlo (voiced by Raymond Ochoa), and his human boy companion, Spot (voiced by Jack Bright) as they bond and face hardships in wild animals and nature. 

The Good Dinosaur is directed by Pixar veteran Peter Sohn, the director of short film Partly Cloudy and the voice of Emile from Ratatouille and Squishy from Monsters University. In an interview with Yahoo! Movies, Sohn explains that “The heart of it has always remained the same in terms of the boy and the dog. I’ve been very diligent with the story team to kind of protect that and focus on that more. In terms of the world, it has kind of changed a bit here and there, and some of the characters have gone out and new ones have come in.” Other writers of the movie include Bob Peterson (co-director of Up) and Enrico Casarosa (director of La Luna). The music in the movie is composed by Mycahel Dynna (Life of Pi).

The movie's official synopsis reads: The Good Dinosaur asks the generations-old question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct? In theaters November 25, 2015, the film is a humorous and exciting original story about Arlo, a lively Apatosaurus with a big heart. After a traumatic event unsettles Arlo’s family, he sets out on a remarkable journey, gaining an unlikely companion along the way - a human boy. The Good Dinosaur is an extraordinary journey of self-discovery full of thrilling adventure, hilarious characters and poignant heart.