Monday, February 10, 2014

New 'Party Central' Clip and Images

Disney UK released the first clip for Pixar’s ‘Party Central.’

In the film, Mike and Sulley return to Monsters University for a fun-filled weekend with their Oozma Kappa fraternity brothers. The gang is throwing their first party, but no one's showing up. Luckily for them, Mike and Sulley have come with a plan to make sure 'Party Central' is the most epic party the school has ever seen.

Rope of Silicon reported that ‘Party Central’ was rated PG for some reckless behavior, making it the first Pixar short film to get a PG rating.

Director Kelsey Mann had this to say in an interview with Moviefone when asked if there was anything that didn't make it into the short that he desperately wanted to include:

 “It's funny... There's always stuff that doesn't make its way in, whether it's the movie or the short. But that's where the short came from -- from the movie. I remember, near the end, I always wanted to see their party. It's the first thing they say they want, this party. And I said, "We've got to have this in the movie! I don't care if it's in the credits. I want to see this party." The idea of doing a short came up and we thought that it was the perfect opportunity to pay off something that we wanted to do in the movie but couldn't find the right time and the right moment to do it. So it presented a perfect opportunity. When you work in story, you have these ideas that you had five years ago and they can always come back.”

Moviefone also released two new images from the short:

The release date for ‘Party Central’ is March 21st in front of ‘Muppets: Most Wanted.’

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